
Main Page Number Thirty Two


Looks like CrossFit's hottest couple is back on the main page four days later. This picture was from CrossFit Open workout 16.2. It's very similar to my 15.4 picture that made it on the main page (See 15.4 Here) where the judge is actually what tells the story of the picture. Scott complains that he's been on the main page twice, but hasn't actually been working out. He complains about everything, so it means he's happy._DSC0178s

Main Page Number Thirty


Wow, this was one of my favorite pictures taken in the Fall and I think the colors in it reflect that. I really like the purple and yellow blended together, it's like trees inside a CrossFit gym. Katie is a total badass who came to CrossFit Loft from Cincinnati. She's going to kick ass in the open. DSC_0229