CrossFit Photography

Main Page Number Thirty Three


Everything in life is cyclical, but working your ass off and trying to get on requires a lot of patience. There are long months when I submit amazing content and it never gets used, then you catch fire and they post three of your pictures in one week. I honestly don't submit that many pictures, maybe 5 per month, it really depends on whether I'm getting main page quality pictures. I liked this one of Rasmus because even his sweat is much stronger than the average person's. The rope attached to the sled draws your eyes into this powerful athlete. My only concern was that it didn't show his face, although it gives it a mysterious feel._DSC7225s

Main Page Number Twenty Five


This main page photo was from the FU-Cancer Throwdown at my friends gym on Bainbridge Island. I always love shooting fundraisers, because it's more about the cause than competition. I never like to charge for my services at these, so the main page photo is a great bonus. _DSC9797s

Main Page Number Twenty Three


Dan is a great member that CrossFit Loft is lucky to have. He has a great attitude every single day, works hard, gets stronger, and makes everyone laugh. I'm really happy that I was able to catch his deadlift PR on camera._DSC9060s

Number Eighteen on the Main Page


I was really stoked when I saw this picture on the main page. This was another one that I called when I saw it, it has the main page look. What most people don't realize is what actually makes the picture is Chelsea doing the judging. There's a million pictures of handstands, but what separates them is the story that you can tell with them. CrossFit Loft represented again! Matt&Chelseasmall

Operation Underground Railroad

This was one of my favorite events in 2014, a fundraiser to raise money for the prevention of sex slavery. A handful of elite CrossFit athletes came out to Tommy Hackenbrook's Ute CrossFit location. My favorite was Sam Dancer with Stacie Tovar being a close runner-up. Huge thank you to Kill Cliff for sending me there to cover the event.

Fourteen on the Main Page


Here's another main page photo of Chelsea Jung, I was on a plane sitting next to Cole Sager when this one popped up. He was congratulating me on getting a handful of photos on the main page and as I went to to explain the formula this one appeared at the top of the page. My fourth in the month of November, and from my home gym. My favorite subtle detail is Chelsea's purple hair.This was from the CrossFit Team Series_DSC5653s

A Dozen on the Main Page

This is easily one of my top 5 favorite CrossFit photos I've taken this year. I tell everyone that watching the women perform CrossFit is much more impressive than what the men do. I love how it empowers women, which in turn translates into confidence outside of the gym. They don't need men to open their jars or carry their groceries. I love that my wife can kick more ass than all of my male friends that don't do CrossFit. I love that every time we meet someone new they look at my wife's arms and say they need to start working out. Here's Sarah at the Battle on Admiral in West Seattle, kicking ass and taking names._DSC0234s