Seattle Photography

Main Page Number Thirty Four


When your BFF's hit the main page, it's a proud moment. Here's Scott cheering on John Winters at a fund raiser. It's also Scott's third time hitting the main page in 12 days, what a superstar._DSC3418

A Dozen on the Main Page

This is easily one of my top 5 favorite CrossFit photos I've taken this year. I tell everyone that watching the women perform CrossFit is much more impressive than what the men do. I love how it empowers women, which in turn translates into confidence outside of the gym. They don't need men to open their jars or carry their groceries. I love that my wife can kick more ass than all of my male friends that don't do CrossFit. I love that every time we meet someone new they look at my wife's arms and say they need to start working out. Here's Sarah at the Battle on Admiral in West Seattle, kicking ass and taking names._DSC0234s

Muscles For Marysville


There's one thing that I hate about my life right now, my wife and I work too much and it takes away from our ability to volunteer in our communities. We both work full-time jobs, we have our CrossFit schedule, we coach once or twice a week at the gym, I've been taking on photography projects almost every weekend, and then we tack on a full social schedule so we don't lose touch of friends. We get home most nights between 8 and 9:30PM and do it all over again. When I was asked to cover this event that was raising money for the victims of the Marysville shootings - I told them I wanted to volunteer and not be paid for this. I often have strong emotional reactions when I'm taking pictures, but these moments when I can give back for a great cause last with me for much longer.I'm very thankful for the CrossFit community and the overwhelming support that it continues to display for those in need. This day there were over $50,000 raised. Here's my pic of Cole Sager, Noah Pester, and Ryan Swobody that made it on the main page November 6th, and if you'd like to see the rest of my photos from the event you can go to the CrossFit Loft facebook albumMuscles for Marysville Album _DSC6120s