Main Page Number Forty!!
I never would have thought that when I submit my first picture to that I would actually have one make the main page, a couple years later and I'm still getting lucky. People ask me all the time I'm constantly submitting content, but the answer is that I only submit the small handful of photos that I think have the main page look. This one I actually submit twice, once last year and once this year as I saw it again. This picture was from the Whiskey Throttle Throwdown.
Main Page Number Thirty Nine
This is the third picture that made it on the main page from the CrossFit Outcome Tag Team Throwdown.
Main Page Number Thirty Eight
Here's another one from my friends over at CrossFit Outcome on Bainbridge Island. This was my second time shooting the Tag Team Throwdown and these are siblings Shelley and Sherman Leddon
Main Page Number Thirty Four
When your BFF's hit the main page, it's a proud moment. Here's Scott cheering on John Winters at a fund raiser. It's also Scott's third time hitting the main page in 12 days, what a superstar.
Main Page Number Thirty Three
Everything in life is cyclical, but working your ass off and trying to get on requires a lot of patience. There are long months when I submit amazing content and it never gets used, then you catch fire and they post three of your pictures in one week. I honestly don't submit that many pictures, maybe 5 per month, it really depends on whether I'm getting main page quality pictures. I liked this one of Rasmus because even his sweat is much stronger than the average person's. The rope attached to the sled draws your eyes into this powerful athlete. My only concern was that it didn't show his face, although it gives it a mysterious feel.
Main Page Number Thirty Two
Looks like CrossFit's hottest couple is back on the main page four days later. This picture was from CrossFit Open workout 16.2. It's very similar to my 15.4 picture that made it on the main page (See 15.4 Here) where the judge is actually what tells the story of the picture. Scott complains that he's been on the main page twice, but hasn't actually been working out. He complains about everything, so it means he's happy.
Main Page Number Thirty One
Main Page Number Thirty
Main Page Number Twenty Eight
West Regional
CrossFit Games
Main Page Number Twenty Six
Main Page Number Twenty Five
Main Page Number Twenty Three
Main Page Number Twenty Two - CrossFit Is Community
This was a sweet moment to capture at CrossFit Loft, even though it's something that happens all the time in every CrossFit Gym. It really is the only sport where you see this type of support from everyone. Sharon has come a long way from where she started, just like the rest of us. She was just featured as the member spotlight of the gym a couple days before. You can read it here.
Main Page Number Twenty One - My Favorite!
Number Twenty on the Main Page
This one makes a milestone! After my first main page photo I never imagined that I'd get a second one on there. To have this many selected on is an honor. I'll continue to work hard and learn how to capture a story to share with people. This one is my good friend Jonny Peters at the CrossFit Outcome Tag Team Throwdown. I love the owner, Sal, he's one of my favorite people in Seattle. Full of energy and enthusiasm for life. He makes everyone around him feel like the center of the universe. I love that my wife came with me to judge the event, and I appreciate the effort that everyone put into having a great event.
Number Nineteen on the Main Page
Exactly three months from my last main page photo and I'm back on top for a day! I know that making it on is cyclical and sometimes you catch fire, and other times it feels like the Winter of Winterfell is between me and the main page so remaining patient is important. It's easy to feel defeated and stop trying to find new material. This picture was at the Whiskey Throttle Throwdown with three other great photographers at this event, which makes me absolutely honored to have my photo selected. I'm looking forward to going to this event next year.